Weight Loss is Weird
I can say that I've been successful at weight loss. And that makes me happy, but there are some weird things about it. Last year, in 2020, I lost 55 pounds. This year I have gained 15 of it back. When I look at my weight chart, I can see that my lowest weight was in February of 2021, over a year after I started losing. But then, it started climbing. I'm not altogether sure why. But I do know this: it was about my head, not about my carbs or calories. Here's a list of things that contributed to my regain, not excuses, triggers. I caught Covid in February. I was actually down 60 pounds but I don't count that as loss. Food didn't taste good. My dad and his wife caught Covid. And both died. I visited my family in the wake of my dad's death and the visit shook me. Emotions steamed out of my heart like so much boiling water. When I was down 60 pounds which put me at 158, I still had a gut. I thought what am I doing here? So gra...