Changing it Up... For More Weight Loss

I've soared 52 times around Sol. And parts of my body feel it. My joints especially.

I do body weight workouts because I have found that I don't injure myself. In 2 years of exercise, I have had one minor injury. And I was able to work around it.

Before, I would go in the gym and start cranking on the weights and within a few weeks. Bam! Pain. 

I listen to my body now. And it talks to me. 

So I needed to slow it down yesterday.

I've been experimenting with 1 set of whatever exercise I'm doing. I know it's not going to burn a bunch of calories. But it does get my heart rate up. It does help with my muscle tone. And it keeps me from hurting my joints.

I was so happy this past summer to be able to do my first pull up/chin up as an adult. That was so exciting!

But when I do them, my elbows get real sore for a few days. 

Experimenting with gentle warm up sets. Pyramids. 1 pull, rest. 2 pulls, rest. 3 pulls, rest.

So maybe instead of 1 set. Do one easy warm up set. Then, do my one set. That sounds better than just blasting into a set of pull-ups or dips. 

BTW, I can do dips right in my kitchen. Both dips and leg lifts happen regularly because they are so convenient to do. Even horizontal pull ups. So I can get a full workout in my kitchen. And convenience is everything

Here's what I did well in the past 24 hours. Got a full night's sleep. Stayed pretty close to my diet. 

Here's where I can improve - when I think I'm hungry and need a snack, drink a glass of water. Drank 1/2 a Coke. How 'bout no Coke?

What's working for you?


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