Choosing to Win the Weight Loss Game
I'm looking in the refrigerator having one of those 8 o'clock at night moments--looking for something fun to eat. That part of my brain that remembers all of the hard work I am doing, including the 45 minutes of exercise on the rebounder, and I reach for the very low cal smoothie instead of the jar of peanut butter.
I can't remember the last time that happened.
Here's the thing, I knew what my plan was. I had already varied from the plan to a degree. I didn't want all of it to go away in a few minutes of snacking.
That's the crazy thing. Your mind can be so focused all day long. Then, you get an urge to eat something that will reverse the hard work and literally in 30 seconds you can undo a day of focus.
Now, I did still eat. Or drink anyway. I chugged down a smoothie. We're looking at 180 calories (it's very low cal). But with the peanut butter and crackers, it would have been 500 +.
This would have been better. Get a big glass of water and down that. Go do something for ten minutes. See if the longing to eat goes away.
I call it a win.
Here's where I'm going: What I did well: drank the smoothie instead of eating the PB and crackers. What I could do better: drink a big glass of water when I want to eat a bunch of food I don't need.
I can't remember the last time that happened.
Here's the thing, I knew what my plan was. I had already varied from the plan to a degree. I didn't want all of it to go away in a few minutes of snacking.
That's the crazy thing. Your mind can be so focused all day long. Then, you get an urge to eat something that will reverse the hard work and literally in 30 seconds you can undo a day of focus.
Now, I did still eat. Or drink anyway. I chugged down a smoothie. We're looking at 180 calories (it's very low cal). But with the peanut butter and crackers, it would have been 500 +.
This would have been better. Get a big glass of water and down that. Go do something for ten minutes. See if the longing to eat goes away.
I call it a win.
Here's where I'm going: What I did well: drank the smoothie instead of eating the PB and crackers. What I could do better: drink a big glass of water when I want to eat a bunch of food I don't need.
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