Write the Food x's 5

I don't know where I first heard this: Write down everything you eat for at least five days in a row. 

I'm on day five. And boy is it helpful. I use my fitness pal to log it all. It really helps. 

It actually keeps me from pounding some things down, just so I don't have to write it down!

I got clarity on three things: 1) I was drinking too much coffee, and it was making me hungry; 2) I was double dipping at dinner most of the time (more on that). 3) I wasn't drinking water when I felt hungry.

Here's where I stand with that. I reduced my coffee intake. And I immediately enjoyed less hunger for mid morning food. 

I'm a dinner double dipper. I eat two servings. It's hard to change that habit. In my mind, I'm willing to change this. I know that in a moment, I can add 600 or 1000 calories to my day. And not even realize I did it. That's why we write everything down. That way those extra servings here and there get accounted for. If I don't write it down, my brain shoves that information into some secret drawer and locks it away. Writing it down keeps me honest with myself. Double dinners (and late snacks) have kept me at 188 for a year. 

Last night, I ate my salad, realized I was full, and quit. Not another bite. Not at dinner, not later. That's a win.

Still haven't started drinking water when I feel hungry.

On the dinner issue - I think I need to do it at least three days in a row before I feel secure that my brain will be okay with one serving.

I'll keep writing down the water goal. Drink water when I feel the urge to snack especially after dinner. If I keep writing it down, my brain will remember it when I need it.

I plan to get down to 173. Have I said this?


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