Eeking Down the Pounds

One thing I realize, as I try to lose this final fifteen pounds, is that I can get way too focused on the small stuff. It really is about progress, not perfection. 

Yesterday I had a plan to go home from work and go on a bike ride with my 7 year old. And guess what, that's what we did.  We had a great time just cruising along for about 45 minutes. We pedaled and poked along. We got some exercise with the wind in our faces. Lots of wins there: fun, exercise, and time with my son. Gotta love it.

Dinnertime and beyond: Do you have issues with dinner? I can be great all day long then, poof, all of my resolve blows away like so much mist. And it wasn't a big deal, I ate an extra 200 calories that I didn't need. But still, I would like to figure out how to get past it. 

Here's my ideas to get past those mental cravings...

  • Get busy with something. 
  • Get a drink of water.
  • Make a list of good things to do. 
  • Play a game or have a conversation with someone.
  • Catch up on my reading. 
And what doesn't work: 
  • Watch TV.
  • Watch TV.
  • Watch TV.
Guess what I was doing when I ate the snack?

I'm sure there are lots of things to do to beat the evening extras. 

But here's the thing, I made progress right? I exercised. I ate well other than those extra 200 calories. It's progress. And this morning, the scale said that I lost a pound. 

I can live with that. 

Comment. Let me know what you do. 


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