I Wanna Eat, Eat, Eat!

What a day... I just wanted to eat. 

Working through it.... 

Here's the win: no doughnuts. Everyday, on the loudspeaker, there was an announcement - "doughnuts on Friday in the conference room." I didn't so much as lift the box to see if there were some healthy bear claws hiding in the box. That's a win. Not even a sniff sample.

Ate apples -- win.

Ate my salad -- win. But there's an oops - Back at the oops in a minute.

Didn't eat any candy on my way to tutoring assignment. Found a place with 50 cent (not the rapper) ice-tea, unsweetened. Win.

Confession: I like to eat peanut M & Ms before I tutor. It gives me that lift I need to make it through the two hour tutoring session.

But the iced tea did the trick.

And oh yeah, I didn't drink any soda. Doesn't seem like a big deal today, but a week ago, that was huge. 

What I could have done better: eat more protein or fat at breakfast. I'm realizing that I need to change the profile of my green smoothie. I always feel like I need more to eat at about 90 minutes after I drink it. I'm going back to the drawing board on the green smoothie. There's a blogger out there who writes about something she calls green thickies. And I think I'm going to read up on those again. 

We were loading my smoothies with coconut oil a while back and I'm thinking about going back to that. 

Okay back to the oops. I was so hungry, that I had to go find something. I ended up with a subway breakfast sandwich. 6 inch on wheat. Carefully watched the amount of added mayo, etc. But if I had made sure to get enough protein and fat to begin with, I wouldn't have had that blood sugar drop. 

I'm going to say that I need to focus more on getting enough water. I need to systematize that and and more to make something that I don't need to think about anymore.  

Learning how to build on your mistakes is important. The process above shows a guy who is working at losing weight, making a lot of good choices and some that need to be better. But until I sat down and wrote all of this out, I saw the day as a failure. The refrain in my head was all about how I had messed it all up once again. We need to learn how to train the refrain. 

Create a system to sit down and write down what you did well and how you can improve. 

How do you work out those craving monsters when you just want to EAT?


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