Jump Start Good Habits in One Day

When we keep at it, the healthy habits return.

Yesterday, I wrote. 

And I anguished over my bad habits returning like so many pulled weeds: double dinner, Coke, burgers, junk. And yesterday I ate well, meaning green, healthy. 

I went home and exercised. Third day in a row.

I went to bed at a respectable time.

I prevailed (Rocky theme plays in the background)!


Here's how to get your mojo back.

  1. Be honest about how you veered from the path.
  2. Hey, write about it, maybe even publicly (okay maybe that part is stupid). But write. 
  3. Tell yourself what you did well (started writing, got honest about what I was doing, reestablished that I want to weigh 173 relatively soon)
  4. Admit what needs to get better  (I have a huge bag a peanuts in my desk--need to pay attention to how many of them I actually eat).
  5. Exercise, even if it's only a little bit (10 minutes turns to 30 before you know it).
  6. Start off right.
You can get back on the right track. I did today. How long does it take to create a new habit? One day.


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