Reducing Toxicity In The Teacher's Diet

Do you ever feel toxic? I mean physically. Like you got junk floating around in your body that makes your blood filters work overtime? 

I do. And I'd rather not.

And I have found myself listening (to podcasts) to Dave Asprey of the Bulletproof products and like a lot of what he says. 

So I started looking at the Bulletproof Diet road map to see if I could make changes that would bring down my toxic intake and get me to lose weight faster.

Good high quality stuff mostly. But dang it looks expensive for this single-income teacher with five boys in the house. There are lots of proprietary buy-from-Bulletproof-items on the menu. And I would bet that they are very good products. And I'm assuming very expensive. 

And yes I totally get the point that if you don't pay for quality now, you end up paying a Dr. bill later.

The diet also features lots of grass-fed fat and protein sources. And we know that these are good for you. 

But I need to figure out how to do this stuff on the cheap.

You ever tried this diet? Anyway to do this without robbing a bank?

Here's my seat of the pants evaluation from looking at the road map. 

  • Beverages: Water with lime or lemon, unsweetened tea. Okay these are right up my alley. 
  • I got the veggies down pretty much. I can buy this stuff at the market.
  • Oils and fats: Can't figure how to do those on the cheap. Don't know where to get them.
  • Dairy: I'm not complaining here, but where do I find all this grass-fed organic butter and yogurt. But it all sounds wonderful.
  • Protein - I do get to eat high quality eggs on a semi-regular basis. But I really don't know how to get the rest of that stuff.
  • Starches are easy. Sweet potatoes, carrots, yams, and white rice.
  • Fruit, relatively easy. 
  • The sweeteners seem weird to me. Maybe I don't know enough about them. These sound like chemicals (not the Stevia - though it sounds like a chemical too). Hey, I admit, I may need to learn more about things like xylitol. It just sounds like something that I don't want to put in my body.
In a future post look for me trying to figure out how to approximate this list in a way that a teacher can afford.

If you found a shopping list that works, please do tell. Or if you figured out how to eat like this, tell me how you did it.

Because every time I hear Dave Asprey talk, I'm thinking how much he seems to know what he's talking about. 

And I really do want to weigh 173 pounds. Just saying that in case you hadn't picked up on that piece of information yet.


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