Exercise Working - Soda Control, Not So Much!

Ever get got at one thing while losing it with another? I'm fussing with this a lot this year. 

Exercise habit is churning right along nicely. But drinking a soda everyday. It gets me through 5th period. 

I love the kids. Just having fits with the allergies. 

I worked out last night. Win!

And during lunch today. It's a cool workout designed for teachers to do in the classroom. Love it. (I'll share it with you for free if you decide to take the Keep it Cool Newsletter - Stress Relief 4 Teachers). 

The workout cleared my head. And I felt better off. 

But I've created this daily habit of the soda. Now I'm having a heck of a time breaking it.

I feel better after drinking it, but I know it's ultimately messing with me. So the feeling good is all a ruse.


Well, okay. Need to put my big boy britches on and figure out how to crush the soda while massaging the exercise habit. 

This is my whack-a-mole life.

In a hurry today. No amazing list to go with the story.

I'll be back in a few days. 

I'm going to work more with my prose and publish less in an attempt to put out better writing.


You are my enthusiasm.


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