I've lost 30 pounds and people are starting to ask...

Now that I'm at 188 pounds again, people are starting to ask what I'm doing to lose all this weight. Here's the answer:

1. Intermittent Fasting: 4 months ago I began fasting 17 or 18 hours a day. And the weight just starting coming off. Nice. During this period, I have read books and watched YouTube videos that helped me figure things out. I was just introduced to this guy, Ken Berry, today. Here's one of his I liked: https://youtu.be/kZXVqvn1uhw

2. I eat fewer carbs. No sugar drinks. No grains. And no grains is big. But that's due to my allergens. Still, it helps with the weight loss.

3. I eat more fats. I eat sardines. I admit that I don't really like them. The sardines are like taking vitamins for me. I do it. They aren't so horrible as to make me gag, but they aren't cheesecake, right. 

4. I journal. Part of this is a gratitude journal. 

5. I do a resistance training workout. More on this later. I've got to see where this is going to go. It feels way to easy so far. 

6. I drink more water. I like to buy water by the liter and then refill it several times.

7. I get plenty of sleep. Seven or eight hours. And a very short nap every day when I can fit it in.

Those are the main things. 

And the weight keeps dropping. Sometimes it quits for a few days, but then it comes back. 

It feels easy. By saying that, I'm not saying that every minute is easy. When I'm fasting and everyone is eating something delicious, that's not easy. But it's not as hard as I thought it would be. 

What works for you?


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