Still losing it
With this intermittent fasting, things have begun happening that I thought might not work for me. The main thing is this: I'm not hungry much.
I get hungry at lunch, but then I go right through dinner time with no food and it's easy.
The hardest part is just staying busy. I get little cravings when my family is all eating food around me, but they aren't monstrous (the cravings I mean).
Here's what I think has happened. My body is what they call fat adapted.
Here's what that means (from my study). My body isn't expecting a lot of carbs anymore. So it expects to burn fat. Now if carbs come down the chute, my body will gladly burn them or store them as fat. But when I fast, my body doesn't cry out for more food. My body's mechanism for burning is working efficiently.
This is why the YouTubers who talk about I.F. suggest a keto diet before fasting. That way the body gets fat adapted more easily.
Still, I don't worry about staying on a keto diet, but I do eat more fats than I used to do. What I did is drop a lot of carbs out of my diet in two ways, added sugar, gone, and grains gone.
Now when I was first fasting several month ago, I would get cravings for sugary things. But those are mainly gone. Then only thing I eat occasionally that has sugars is chocolate. But when I eat it, I always get premium chocolate with over 70% cacao. And I pay attention to the kind of sugar on the label. Here's what I've found: the premium chocolates use good sugars. I found a brand that has 3 ingredients. And the sugar comes from coconut. This is a once a week or so treat.
I am also working on my exercise. I use a high intensity protocol. More on that in a later post. Still working on the details. But the idea is this: I work out in a short high-intensity fashion. I am usually done in about 12 minutes. This is experimental for me right now.
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