I passed my "goal" weight and it's still dropping like a rock
Back in January, when I was 218 pounds, I was submitting answers in a weight loss app. I had to pick a goal weight, and 168 looked good.
But here I am at 266.8 as of this morning, and I still have a belly. Not big like it used to be, but it's still noticeable. I want it to look like a flat beach, not rolling dunes!
But make no mistake about it, I'm happy with the weight loss.
The cool thing is that it's coming off faster than ever.
Here's my weight loss from the last 10 days...
But the way I'm getting that to happen, I wouldn't recommend. I'm eating meat. I've been gradually moving from a high fat/low carb diet to a meat diet: carnivore. I don't intend to stay there for long, maybe a month or two.
I'm trying to calm down some inflammation in my joints.
But I don't like eating meat only. I don't like the slower digestion. I hope it speeds up. I've heard that when people switch to meat, they can feel sick for a couple of weeks. Some have severe diarrhea. And vomiting.
But then their body adjusts to it. I guess it's a gut bacteria thing.
I don't have any of those problems, but I just feel like a swallowed a rock until about six or seven hours have passed.
Still, the weight loss is encouraging. I'm going to keep experimenting with it and see what happens.
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