Walking Past the Doughnut for Teachers

There it is, right in front of you, sweet and sultry, saying here I am. 
What to do? 

The STAAR test in Texas is our state mandated, big-deal test. And we just spent Tuesday and Wednesday doing it. Even Monday was affected. Teachers are spent. Kids are restless. And admin is tired and appreciative of the hard work that teachers have put in.

And what is the best way to show your appreciation? Bring on the doughnuts! It really is a nice thing to do.

But for the teacher who is trying to lose weight, especially this one, it's a trap.

Because I feel like I deserve it. 

Is that sweet hole what I really want? I know it's not what I need.

Do I really want to dump sugar, processed white flour and fat into my stomach? I don't.

But it tastes so good. 

But when I'm trying to lose weight, here's what happens (and this is what happened with Coke and me recently): it resets your body's expectations. It's something that happens in the brain. Now, the brain begins to expect that jolt of sugar, want it, crave it.

So right now, as I write this, I'm imagining my stomach and what it will look like at 173 pounds. I'm getting that image in my mind. I'm thinking about my joints and what they will feel like without inflammation. I'm reminding myself about what I really want in life.

There's plenty of time for sweet snacks later in life. Right now, I'm on a mission.

So how do I make it past the doughnut box?

  • Be clear about your goal. I'm clear in my mind that I want to weigh 173.
  • Sleep. I'm arranging my life to make sure that I'm getting 7 1/2 to 8. (which is hard with the thunderstorms).
  • Drink water. Add to the habit.
  • Enjoy something. I drink great coffee (Java Jacks).
  • Eat enough fruit. I'm making sure I have apples in my desk.
  • Get plenty of veggies especially greens. I'm starting my day with a green smoothie.
  • Eat an especially good lunch. I'm eating a great salad at work every day.
  • Exercise. I'm doing three to five times a week.
  • Write. I write almost daily, but that's probably overkill. 
You can either take one step toward your goal or one step away when the doughnut box presents. I'm walking away from it today.

What works for you?

For more on these subjects read How to Handle Life on 3 Hours of Sleep and The Power of Maybe Later.


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