Trying to Find Mr. Mean

Are you mental? 

I am.

I had a good day at the "eating office" yesterday. I really did--a patting myself on the back kind of good day. Maybe that's where I messed up.

I was okay until the sun went down. 

It's like I had to stuff stuff in my mouth (it's supposed to say stuff stuff; go read it again).

Sunset = my Mr. Hyde comes out.

Mr. Mean (my inner friend who reminds me to eat for health and weight loss) needs encouragement. He needs affirmation. Negative thinking puts him off and he hides.

I especially need him at night. 

Mr. Mean, Mr. Mean where are you.

Hey, I'm not even going to tell you what the scale read this morning. It's just information, right. 

Okay, I'll tell.


It's just information.


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